
For developers and investors interested in a district location please contact us. Download the most recent reports on housing, business, community profile, and more.

A statistical portrait of the District, its residents, and businesses.


Land Use

As the map demonstrates, District land use varies but is predominantly residential.

Population and Housing Units

The following table reports population, households and housing units for the 2010 census year, 2012 estimated and 2017 projected for the Brays Oaks District compared with City Council District K.

Population, Households & Housing Units (000s)

Source: ESRI Brays Oaks District Council District K
  2010 2012 2017 2010 2012 2017
Population 96.5 98.4 104.9 196.3 202.5 219.8
Households 35.2 35.9 38.0 69.9 72.3 78.1
Owner Occupied 15.2 15.2 16.4 37.4 37.7 41.4
Renter Occupied 19.9 20.7 21.6 32.5 34.6 36.7
Vacant Units 5.7 5.5 5.4 8.1 7.9 7.7
 Total Houston Units 40.8 41.4 43.4  78.0 80.2 85.8

Projected population growth from 2012 to 2017 is projected to be 6.6% for the Brays Oaks District and 8.5% for District K as a whole, both healthy rates of growth. The higher rate of growth projected for District K is likely due to the relatively larger amount of undeveloped land available for new housing development in the City Council District

Median Age

Median age in the Brays Oaks District for 2012 was 32.6, typical of the Houston area. The median age nationwide is 37.3.

Race_and_EthnicityRace and Ethnicity

As is typical for the City of Houston, the District’s population is comprised largely of White, Hispanic and African American segments.

Nearly 6% is now Asian.

Hispanic Origin (Any Race) for 2010 is 33% at 24,307.

Median Household Income

Though somewhat lower than that for the City of Houston as a whole, median household income in the District is projected to grow by 4.15% per year over the 2012-2017 period.

Median Household Income ($000s)

Brays Oaks City of Houston Harris County 10-Co. MSA
2012 2017 2012 2017 2012 2017 2012 2017
$37.8 $46.3 $40.5 $50.4 $49.8 $57.1 $52.7 $60.3

Subdivisions and Home Values

The Brays Oaks District, in many ways, is the best kept secret in Houston. It has 42 middle income subdivisions, many of which were built out in the 70s and early 80s, with well maintained homes and active homeowner associations. However, while the direction of Houston area growth in the 90s and 00s was primarily west, north and in Fort Bend and Brazoria counties, accompanied by sharp increases in existing home values, values in the Brays Oaks subdivisions remained stable. Accordingly, many residential realtors are beginning to realize that Brays Oaks homes may offer outstanding bargains to homebuyers, especially considering the fact that they are nearly all inside the Beltway.


Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey
Value Range 2012 Est. 2017 Proj.
Less than $100,000 21.1 % 15.8%
$100,000 – $149,999 35.1 31.6
$150,000 – $199,999 23.8 28.2
$200,000 – $249,999 11.4 14.8
$250,000 – $299,999 5.2 5.9
$300,000 or more 3.3 3.8
Totals 100.0% 100.0%
Median Value $141,160 $154,664

BOMD-Education-levelsEducational Attainment

Over one-fourth of District residents 25 years or older have college or graduate level degrees.

Median Value = $127,435

Source: U.S. Census, Community Survey

Occupations of Working Population

The Brays Oaks working population 16 years or older is engaged in a wide variety of pursuits.

Source: U.S. Census, Community Survey


Occupation Employed – 16+
Managment 6.8%
Business & financial 3.7
Computer & mathematical 1.8
Architecture & engineering 1.7
Life, physical & social sciences 0.8
Community & social services 1.3
 Legal 1.5
Education & training 6.3
Visual & performing arts 1.1
Healthcare 7.4
Protective services 1.6
Food preparation & service 5.7
Building & grounds maintenance 7.4
Personal care & services 3.2
Sales & related 10.2
Office & administrative 16.1
Farming 0.1
Construction & extraction 10.5
Installation, maintenance and repair 2.6
Production (industrial) 3.7
Transportation and material moving 6.6
 Total  100.0%


As is the case in most areas of Houston, the large majority of District workers drive alone to work. Only 6% use public transportation. However, the District is working with METRO on plans to improve bus service in key Corridors and bring light rail to the South Main Corridor to greatly enhance transit options and travel times and reduce dependence on privately owned vehicles.


Method Used Employed – 16+
Drive alone 70.4%
Carpool 17.7
Public Transportation 6.2
Taxi 0.2
Motorcycle/Bicycle 0.3
Walk 1.2
Other Means 1.1
Work at Home 2.8
Total 100.0%

Retail Expenditures

District households spend nearly $1.5 billion annually for retail goods and services, thereby providing strong support for retail and restaurant businesses in Southwest Houston.

Source: Consumer Expenditure Survey,
Bureau of Labor Statistics





Products/Services Amount
Apparel and Jewelry $50.0
Computer Hardware, Software & Accessories 6.7
Entertainment & Recreation 90.6
Food at Home 132.6
Food Away from Home 96.2
Alcoholic Beverages 17.3
Nonalcoholic Beverages at Home 13.1
Financial 184.1
Health 17.4
Mortgage Payments & Basics 240.3
Home Maintenance & Remodeling 56.4
Home Utilities 127.2
Household Furnishings & Equipment 34.8
Household Operations 26.4
Housekeeping Supplies 20.1
Insurance 105.2
Transportation 239.4
Travel 37.0
Total 100.0%

District Businesses

There are nearly 5,000 businesses with 20,800 employees in the Brays Oaks District. Over half are devoted to services.


Source:Dun & Bradstreet Businesses Employees
Business Type No. %Total No. %Total
Agriculture & Mining 113 2.3% 333 1.6%
Construction 329 6.8 1,213 5.8
Manufacturing 115 2.4 513 2.5
Communication & Utilities
230 4.8 724 3.5
Wholesale Trade 229 4.7 853 4.1
Retail Trade 707 14.6 3,995 19.2
Real Estate,
Finance & Insurance
425 8.8 1,589 7.6
Services 2,662 55.2 10,675 51.3
Government 15 0.3 905 4.4
Totals 4,826 100.0% 20,800 100.0%

Esri Business Analyst Reports

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