HPD Chief’s Citywide P.I.P. Meeting, Sept. 13
This important presentation will educate members about how gunshot detection technology is helping the Houston Police Department combat violent criminal activity in the City of Houston.
This important presentation will educate members about how gunshot detection technology is helping the Houston Police Department combat violent criminal activity in the City of Houston.
Bring family / friends and join us for this important presentation. Visit with neighbors and officers while enjoying refreshments.
Mayor Turner Announces One Safe Houston Gun Buyback Program City - County Partnership will Reduce the Number of Unwanted Guns on Our Streets As part of his One Safe Houston initiative, Mayor Sylvester Turner is holding a Gun Buyback program to reduce the number of guns on our streets. The event, in partnership with Harris County Precinct [...]
Due to the increased Covid positive cases in our communities, the Gessner Apartment and Divisional PIP meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 19, 2022 will be canceled. The next PIP meeting will be August 16, 2022. Further information regarding the August meeting will be announced if there are any changes.
This important presentation will educate members about how gunshot detection technology is helping the Houston Police Department combat violent criminal activity in the City of Houston.
Bring family / friends and join us for this important presentation. Visit with neighbors and officers while enjoying refreshments.
Please Join us for our Apartment PIP meeting on Tuesday June 21st at 12:00 noon. The speaker for the meeting will be SGT. Tracy Hicks with Houston Police Auto Theft Division. The Apartment PIP meeting will be held in person at the S. Gessner Police Station 8605 W. Place.
The speaker for the meeting will be J. Llorente with Houston Police Mental Health Division. Topic: Kelvis Woods's Zoom Meeting Time: Jun 21, 2022 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8478821559?pwd=R1pCSi94eER2VlAxZDNZWWhRajE4dz09 Meeting ID: 847 882 1559 Passcode: Gessner10
As we remember those who have died serving our Nation, this Memorial Day Weekend and with the temperature expected to reach into the 90s, the Houston Fire Department urges citizens to follow some simple safety tips to prevent heat-related emergencies and preventable accidents. Heat Related Emergencies Always, make sure you "Look Before They Lock". [...]
Houston Police Department Commander Adrian Rodriguez, who oversees the department’s South Gessner area patrol force, has been chosen as HPD’s commander of the year. The patrol area includes part of the Brays Oaks Management District. With his wife Reina and son Favien, Rodriguez officially received the honor this month from Police Chief Troy Finner and [...]