Brays Oaks joins crime-fighting camera network

The board of directors of the Brays Oaks Management District today (March 21, 2023) approved $57,000 for 20 automatic license plate reader cameras to be located strategically throughout the district to help locate crime suspects and individuals for whom arrest warrants have been issued. The cameras, supplied by Flock Safety, will be placed along relatively [...]

2023-03-21T18:06:46-05:00March 21st, 2023|Articles, Public Safety|

Harris County District Attorney’s Office: What goes up, must come down.

Celebratory gunfire is a chronic problem in the Houston area during the holiday season. The Harris County District Attorney’s Office wants to remind people that what goes up must come down. Shooting bullets into the air, is a crime and you can kill someone. The DAs Office is focused on prosecuting gun violence at every [...]

2022-12-05T16:04:39-06:00December 5th, 2022|Articles, Public Safety|

Boil Water Notice Lifted

Information from the City of Houston lifting the boil water notice: "The City of Houston has lifted the boil water notice that it issued Sunday, November 27th. Customers no longer need to boil water before drinking, cooking, and making ice. Water quality testing submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has confirmed that [...]

2022-11-29T08:26:57-06:00November 29th, 2022|Public Safety|
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