Public Safety Committee initiatives help fight crime in Brays Oaks

Since the inception of the Brays Oaks Management District 11 years ago, the number of crimes committed has diminished by 22 percent, said Starla Turnbo of the District's Public Safety Committee. "Our vision is to grow the committee, reduce crime, and promote public safety," she added. Initiatives launched by the committee can be credited with [...]

2016-07-12T08:56:52-05:00July 12th, 2016|Articles, Public Safety|

Editorial: Deliver flood money: Congress should speed up funding for Houston’s critical flood control projects

Key excerpts: "It used to be that Representatives could use an earmark to direct the Army Corps of Engineers to put politically important projects at the top of the list. Now discretion is largely left up to executive agencies. "That's why U.S. Rep. Al Green, a Democrat, proposed a bill that will authorize $311 million [...]

2016-06-12T09:13:40-05:00June 12th, 2016|Articles, Public Safety|

Hurricane Season is here. The City of Houston Offers Preparedness Tips

The City of Houston Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is reminding Houstonians that Hurricane Season starts June 1st and runs through November 30th. Houstonians should take steps to begin the process of preparing. Storms like Alison, Ike and Carla have all impacted Houston at various times throughout the season, so it's important to prepare now. [...]

2016-06-03T08:48:53-05:00June 3rd, 2016|Articles, Public Safety|

Public Safety Initiatives

“The District really has a lot to be proud of – old alliances and new partnerships have really made all the difference” says David Hawes, Executive Director of the Brays Oaks District. This year the District solidified its commitment to public safety by partnering with HPD by funding of mobile camera emplacements, running statistical analysis [...]

2011-12-07T10:53:26-06:00December 7th, 2011|Articles, Public Safety|
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