Police and Community Relations Forum, Feb. 11

As you are aware, police and community relations has been at the forefront of our nation over the past couple years. All over the country we have seen unfortunate events of excessive force by officers and a lack of respect from civilians. In Harris County we have a newly elected Sheriff, District Attorney, and appointed [...]

2017-02-04T18:00:35-06:00February 4th, 2017|Articles, Public Safety|

Houston TranStar: Don’t Be Ridiculous

As we enter the New Year, it’s important to commit to positive resolutions. Distracted driving causes more than 10,000 accidents each year in Harris County alone. Houston TranStar’s newly released Public Service Announcement, Don’t Be Ridiculous, depicts the outrageous driving behavior we see on our roadways. Although the actions in the spot are exaggerated (i.e. [...]

2017-01-17T18:09:44-06:00January 17th, 2017|Articles, Public Safety|

Houston mayor addresses issues at BOMD/SWH2000 breakfast meeting

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner fought rush hour traffic to address a joint breakfast meeting of the Brays Oaks Management District and Southwest Houston 2000 Tuesday, Jan. 10 at Houston Baptist University. The mayor spoke about the city's growth and diversity and talked about issues that concern all Houstonians––not just those affecting residents in the southwest [...]

Renter rights for common space safety

By Kaitlin Monte, Fox26 Many renters know to report safety or maintenance issues to their apartment complex, but what can you do when those issues go un-repaired? After residents at Mission Falls apartments complained to FOX26 on Tuesday about their entry gate being broken for over a year, and a nearly pitch black parking lot [...]

2016-12-19T11:38:06-06:00December 19th, 2016|Community News, Public Safety|

How to prevent fires during the holidays

By Lindsey Henry, Fox26 It's that time of year again when you bust out the Christmas lights, possibly start lighting candles and even when you start fires, if the weather is right. However, it's also a time the Houston Fire Department responds to more accidents. "There's over a million residents living in apartment homes here [...]

2016-12-19T11:36:59-06:00December 19th, 2016|Community News, Public Safety|

A PSA to Avoid Tragedy – Kids in Hot Cars

Constant driver distractions can result in tragedy. In this year alone, 39 children have perished in hot vehicles across the United States. Seven of those deaths occurred in Texas. In most of those cases, the young passenger was forgotten by the driver. Houston TranStar’s “Have A Strategy to Avoid Tragedy” PSA reveals a simple, yet [...]

2016-11-02T19:44:35-05:00November 2nd, 2016|Articles, Public Safety|
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