City of Houston Rolls Out Meaningful Change Campaign to Combat Homelessness, Panhandling

We are proud of Brays Oaks Management District Senior Advisor David Hawes for his work on this important project with Mayor Sylvester Turner. Homelessness and panhandling are both chronic problems of any major city, but Houston has made incredible strides in ameliorating both. Below is the City’s multi-part, holistic plan to address these problems further. You can also [...]

2017-03-09T16:24:00-06:00March 6th, 2017|Articles, Public Safety|

Urgent Airbag Safety Recall

The airbag in your vehicle may have a deadly defect. Instead or protecting you, these defective airbags explode like grenades, spraying metal shrapnel inside the passenger compartment. Eleven people have died, including two right here in Houston. More than 180 people have been severely injured. The good news is, the repair is absolutely free. A [...]

2017-02-15T19:52:32-06:00February 15th, 2017|Articles, Public Safety|
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