HPD Chief’s Citywide PIP Holiday Meeting Invitation, Nov. 9
The Citywide PIP meetings are back to In-Person attendance with the recommendation for all attendees to practice social distancing.
The Citywide PIP meetings are back to In-Person attendance with the recommendation for all attendees to practice social distancing.
The S. Gessner Divisional PIP Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21 at 6:30 pm via Zoom. The speaker for the meeting will be Sonya Clauson from Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Emergency Network. She will be discussing important information about 911. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81676998820?pwd=MzRFZWFKS2k2YU9OcTNOSUxVQ3JKdz09 Phone: +1 346 248 7799 Meeting ID: 816 7699 8820 [...]
Bring family and friends and join us for this important presentation. Visit with neighbors and speak with officers while enjoying refreshments.
The Chief’s Citywide PIP meeting for Tuesday, September 14, 2021 will be CANCELED due to approaching Tropical Storm Nicholas and the possibility of heavy rains and or flooding in our area. The meeting will be also be streamed live with sign language interpretation on HPD’s YouTube channel: youtube.com/houstonpolice Closed captioning can be enabled on the YouTube video, [...]
To increase the city’s vaccination rate and save lives, the Houston Health Department will provide up to $150 in gift cards to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Houston City Council approved the new incentive program, spearheaded by Mayor Sylvester Turner, in a 15-2 vote at its Wednesday meeting. People who get a first dose of Pfizer or Moderna [...]
Bring family and friends and join us for this important presentation. Visit with neighbors and speak with officers while enjoying refreshments.
The S. Gessner Divisional PIP Meeting is scheduled for August 17th at 6:30pm. The speaker for the meeting will be Oscar Lee from Victim Services discussing the services they provide. Please join us for the meeting on Zoom. https://zoom.us/j/8478821559?pwd=R1pCSi94eER2VlAxZDNZWWhRajE4dz09 Meeting ID: 847 882 1559 Passcode: Gessner10
District J Patrol Gets Media Recognition Friends, When we launched the District J Patrol, our intent was to help bridge the gap between the community and police, and so far we have received great feedback. Most recently, reporter Tom Zizka with Fox 26 broadcast a feature story that spotlights the work [...]
Free snow cones and free snacks.