Beyond Careers 5th Annual Education Symposium
SAVE THE DATE! BEYOND CAREERS 5TH ANNUAL EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM Date: Saturday, November 5, 2016 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Houston Community College - West Loop Center 5601 West Loop S. Houston, TX 77081 The Symposium will focus on Financial Education and Internships/Job Readiness. Beyond Careers, and its financial institution partners, provide financial education and [...]
YMCA: Upcoming Events
Y Rewards - Houston Rockets Bring your family and friends to the Toyota Center as the Houston Rockets take on the Shanghai Sharks on Sunday, October 2, the New York Knicks on Tuesday, October 4 and the Memphis Grizzlies on Saturday, October 15. Use promo code: ymca. If you have any questions or need assistance [...]
Northfield I & II Subdivision Newsletter, September 2016
The September edition of the Northfield I & II Subdivision News is available for download. It contains 12 pages of community events and information that are occurring around the area. If you have community news that you would like to place in our newsletter, feel free to contact [email protected]. Download the PDF
Dept. of Neighborhoods Workshop, Sept. 24
Attend this informative workshop to learn everything you need to know about the NEW Dept. of Neighborhoods. The City's Dept. of Neighborhoods has a new Director with a revived vision from Mayor Turner. Come meet the new Director and her executive team. Learn what the NEW Dept. of Neighborhoods has in store with being a [...]
Now’s the time… Sign Up or Renew your Farm Share for Fall!
We can feel the leaves rustling and the winds changing as we begin to plant radishes, kale, beets, broccoli, carrots and lettuces to welcome the impending cool season. Now's the time to Join or Renew your Farm Share! The new 20-week season begins the week of October 8th. Join in the delight of eating with [...]