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The Pollard Press

  VIDEO: Celebrating Diversity in District J In honor of National Diversity Month, the District J office honored some of the most committed community leaders and organizations that represent the vast diversity present in our district. Council Member Edward Pollard welcomed representatives from over 30 institutions to be recognized at City Hall with a proclamation [...]

2023-05-01T08:40:19-05:00May 1st, 2023|Community News|

Authorities seek information on whereabouts of human trafficking convict

According to the Harris County District Attorney's Office, Thaddeus Allen, 34, showed up for the April 10 start of his trial in Houston on human trafficking charges -- but not for the end on April 24, when he was convicted and sentenced to 75 years in prison. Now he may have resumed his work as a [...]

2023-04-30T11:32:56-05:00April 30th, 2023|Community News|

2023 Nation Small Business Week

Join Us in Celebrating 2023 National Small Business Week!   For more than 50 years, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has celebrated National Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners. National Small Business Week 2-Day Virtual Summit May 2-May 3 | 10:00am-5:30pm CDT | REGISTER Attend this free, [...]

2023-04-26T22:00:10-05:00April 26th, 2023|Articles, Business Development|

District-funded streetlights ease safety concern

“If you don't ask and aren't persistent, you are not going to see change,” Karolena Serratos, second-generation family owner of Professional Auto Care, 9916 Honeywell Road, recently wrote on her blog. She should know. As the owner of the business property in Brays Oaks, Serratos pays an annual assessment to the Brays Oaks Management District, [...]

2023-04-25T11:24:50-05:00April 25th, 2023|Articles, Public Safety|

Gandhi museum nears debut with aim to educate near and far

Devoted to the late Mahatma Gandhi and his legacy, the first official “Eternal Gandhi” museum in the United States is the brainchild of an ambitious board of nine trustees whose vision for a premiere brick and mortar space is coming to fruition. The completion and opening of The Eternal Gandhi Museum Houston (EGMH) is projected [...]

2023-04-24T10:35:34-05:00April 24th, 2023|Uncategorized|
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