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So far BBC has created 1854 blog entries.

Trash and Data Collection: Keegans Bayou Trail, Sept. 9

Collecting trash can be a routine event while walking, jogging, running and cycling. Just wear a light sports backpack as part of your gear to collect trash anywhere, anytime. Limited number of sports bags available at two sites from TrashFreeTexas.org Collect Trash and Data. Report Data by Monday, Sept 10 and monthly thereafter on the [...]

2023-08-25T16:44:17-05:00August 25th, 2023|Community News|

A “safe” way to keep guns away from thieves and others

Thanks to funding from the Brays Oaks Management District and its neighbor to the east, the 5 Corners Improvement District, Houston police officers distributed 110 compact gun safes free of charge to members of the public on Tuesday (Aug. 22) at HPD’s Southwest Command station. The districts funded the purchase of the portable safes in [...]

2023-08-24T16:28:38-05:00August 24th, 2023|Community News|

District K – Willowbend/W. Bellfort Connectivity Study Stakeholders Meeting

Willowbend/W. Bellfort Connectivity Study Recommendations Attention Westbury residents and Willowbend/ W. Bellfort Connectivity Study stakeholders: On Wednesday, August 16, 2023 VMPT Martha Castex-Tatum and David Fields of the Planning and Development Team presented the results of the connectivity study funded by the District K council office, for community discussion, prior to the Westbury Civic Club [...]

2023-08-23T19:18:11-05:00August 23rd, 2023|Community News|

Lowe’s Foundation Gable Grant Applications Open Through September 1st!

The Lowe’s Foundation last month announced nearly $8 million in grants to community and technical colleges nationwide to support skilled trades workforce development initiatives as part of its first round of Gable Grants! As announced in March, Lowe’s Foundation Gable Grants will provide $50 million over the next five years to help prepare 50,000 people [...]

2023-08-22T15:08:11-05:00August 22nd, 2023|Community News|

Brays Oaks Super Neighborhood Council #36 News

Brays Oaks SNC36 meets Tuesday, September 5, 2023 @6:30p 10611 Fondren Rd @ Creekbend Alice Lee became Chief of Staff to Harris County Precinct 4 Commissioner Lesley Briones in January 2023. Since 2009, Alice was with Hawes Hill & Associates LLP and served as a partner for approximately the last 8 years. She served mainly as the [...]

2023-08-22T07:48:38-05:00August 22nd, 2023|Community News|

District K August 2023 Newsletter

Congratulations Mayfair Park! 50/50 Park Partners Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Have you been to Mayfair Park neighborhood park lately? If so, you have seen what over $950,000 in improvements look like! Vice Mayor Pro Tem Martha Castex-Tatum welcomed Mayfair Park Civic Club President Marilu Ballow, and other distinguished guests and partners, during the ribbon cutting ceremony [...]

2023-08-18T08:26:39-05:00August 18th, 2023|Community News|
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