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So far BBC has created 1853 blog entries.

Rep. Al Green honors local Fiesta workers as pandemic heroes

U.S. Rep. Al Green today (Dec. 19) officially honored employees of the Fiesta supermarket at 11240 Fondren Rd. in the Brays Oaks Management District as “unsung COVID-19 front-line heroes.” The congressman presented Certificates of Congressional Recognition to several employees as well as longtime manager George Nwanguma, a management district board member. “The city of Houston [...]

2023-12-19T18:48:38-06:00December 19th, 2023|Community News|

Upcoming HCC Events

HCC Business Plan Competition (BPC) Reception-Thur, Jan 11, 2024, 5p-7p On ZOOM - 5p-6p-BPC Showcase-Meet competition alumni, leaders, trainers, advisors & sponsors. 6p-7p-"How to Apply" Orientation for those interested in applying for 2024: http://tiny.cc/2024-HCC-BPC-SHOWCASE Financial Webinar for Small Business Launch & Growth on 1/18, 1/24 or 1/30 by HCC - Understanding Cash Needs, Loan & Business Financials!  Excellent [...]

2023-12-18T19:47:15-06:00December 18th, 2023|Articles, Business Development|

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office invites you to receive the gift of responsible firearm storage, Dec. 16

Locking up your firearms is a simple yet powerful step in keeping our community safe. Help us raise awareness and prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands - whether it's criminals or children.

2023-12-13T17:57:25-06:00December 13th, 2023|Community News|

Join Mayor Turner to Celebrate the Park Improvement Project, Dec. 20

Join a celebration with Mayor Turner for a Park improvement project on the Trail. Last Saturday Mayor Turner spoke of the multiuse of trails adjoining green space parks. Wednesday, December 20, 4PM: Braeburn Glen Park  RSVP RSVP TODAY In 2024, the remainder of the greenway will be built and connected between Arthur Storey Park and [...]

2023-12-11T08:40:51-06:00December 11th, 2023|Community News|

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Legal Services

The Board of Directors of Brays Oaks Management District seeks a proposal from a qualified, experienced law firm to perform general legal services in a cost efficient, proactive manner. Services shall include, but not be limited to, provision of high-quality and timely legal opinions and advice to the District’s Board of Directors and administrative staff, [...]

2023-12-08T13:14:47-06:00December 8th, 2023|Community News|
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