Resolve to go local in 2016!

plant it forwardYou can make an incredible difference in your family’s health and in the lives of refugee farmers right here in Houston by purchasing a farm share of fresh local vegetables from Plant It Forward farms in 2016.

Plant It Forward empowers refugees to earn a living wage farming small plots of urban land. The vegetables are grown in Houston and sold as Farm Shares. Farm Share members receive a weekly supply of farm fresh, chemical free produce, enough for a family of 3-5. Most is harvested the very same day as delivery for optimum nutrition and freshness.

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Refugee Support

Your purchase can really make a difference. Every 30 Farm Shares sold provides a living wage for a refugee farmer’s family, so every farm share truly counts! Please consider purchasing a share for your family and make an incredible difference in another family’s life.

Building Community

Visit our website to see the four different farmers markets and 10 different farm share pick-up locations where our produce is sold to our supporters throughout Houston.

Get Involved Today!

I encourage you to visit our website at and click on the “Buy Our Produce” tab to view our member pick-up and farmers market locations. The new farm share season begins January 11th, so take a look to see if one of our three farm share options are right for you.