Join Brays Oaks Super Neighborhood Council #36

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 starting at 6pm
@10611 Fondren Rd, in the Fellowship Hall

May 3rd, Agenda

Supporting our Law Enforcement Officers

South Gessner Commander

Adrian Rodriguez

Definitely, law enforcement as a whole has changed, has evolved with the times. In my experience we definitely are more community-related than any other time and we have to be. We must have the community partner with us in everything that we are doing.

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 Our Special Guest:
Troy Finner, Houston Police Department 


Chief of Police for the Fourth largest city in the United States.

Sworn into office as Houston’s Chief of Police, Troy Finner was born in the 5th ward area of Houston. He was raised in the Hiram Clarke neighborhood and attended Madison High School. With his Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice, Masters of Criminology he began his law enforcement career in 1990. He is a 31-year veteran serving the citizens of the 4th largest city in the United States. He has a proven record of bringing unity within the community balanced with leading operational improvements and initiatives, which have enhanced departmental productivity and reduced costs. Chief Finner is both committed and dedicated to relational policing wherein each contact with a citizen is an opportunity to improve relationships and a means by which to build trust.
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Gasmer Redevelopment Community Meeting

Join us at Westbury High School April 30 at 10:00 a.m.

to hear about the Gasmer Redevelopment plan.

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