
Brays Oaks Super Neighborhood Council #36

Meets Troy Finner, Houston Chief of Police on Tuesday, May 3, 2022

In person @ 10611 Fondren Rd * Houston, Texas 77096

Sworn into office as Houston’s Chief of Police, Troy Finner was born in the 5th ward area of Houston. He was raised in the Hiram Clarke neighborhood and attended Madison High School. With his Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice, Masters of Criminology he began his law enforcement career in 1990. He is a 31-year veteran serving the citizens of the 4th largest city in the United States. He has a proven record of bringing unity within the community balanced with leading operational improvements and initiatives, which have enhanced departmental productivity and reduced costs.

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Turn Around Houston Readiness Fair

April 22nd – April 24th

On Friday, April 22, from 10a – 2p, job seekers will have an opportunity to live chat with hiring employers and resource organizations.

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HPARD 2022 Summer Enrichment Program

Are you looking for a fun, safe environment for your kids doing the summer. Look no further, SEP is a 10-week day-camp style program for youth ages 6 – 13 offered at Marian Park Community Center. Registration is required for this fun-filled program.


Celebrate Earth Day

Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection.

First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by (formerly Earth Day Network) including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries.


Discover the beauty we share

Everything we are, we owe to mother earth and her resources. The wood used to build our houses, the glass in our windows, and the plastic that makes up our water bottles all come from the resources we have on earth.

A great way to celebrate Earth Day is to bring the wonderful creations of earth indoors. A houseplant is a great way to remind yourself to practice the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) daily around the house!

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