Grateful Gathering 2019
Joy is really the simplest form of gratitude.
On November 21st we celebrated our annual District K “Grateful Gathering”, and our time together was pure joy. Watching over 300 seniors from our community enjoy food and fellowship filled my heart. I am convinced that line dancing is the key to long healthy living. It was a great day in District K! Thank you to everyone who helped to make this day special.
5505 Belrose Drive Library
On November 20th my City Council colleagues and I supported the appropriation of funds authorizing Brave Architecture Inc. to perform design and construction phase services for the new Houston Public Library at 5505 Belrose Dr. in the Westbury area. The District K team is happy to have the “AIA Houston 2018 Firm of the Year” working on our new facility. District K we are a step closer to our destination library! Stay on the look out for an upcoming community meeting where we will discuss and select amenities we’d like to see in the library.
Turkish Community Thanksgiving
On November 19th I joined Orhan Osman, President of the Turkish community, to speak at their annual Thanksgiving dinner. In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. District K boasts the largest number of religious denominations in Houston. We truly are stronger together!
Keep Houston Beautiful Community Champion Award
On November 14th the District K office received the “Keep Houston Beautiful Community Champion Award” during the 35th Annual Mayor’s Proud Partners Breakfast. Our #CleanStateofMind Campaign is catching on. We appreciate the recognition of the hard work our team does every day to ensure we live in a safe, clean community. It is my hope that every resident of District K will catch our “Clean Wave” and join our quest to make our community one we can all be proud of. A clean district is a happy district. District K, we are Award Winning!
Congratulations Westbury High School
On November 12th Principal Monaghan provided a thorough update at the SW2000 Breakfast. We are blessed to have the only fine arts magnet high school in District K. Westbury’s enrollment is up, and academic accountability is “one point away from a B.” The college and career readiness, the increased number of students earning industry certifications, wrap around services and Mentors of Hope program are only a few reasons Westbury High School is making such positive progress. What a tremendous team effort from the principal, teachers, staff, parents, volunteers and students. Great communities support their schools!
Holly Hall Retirement Community Historic Landmark Designation
Congratulations to Holly Hall Retirement Community on receiving their historic landmark designation for Dunbar Chambers Memorial Chapel during city council meeting on November 13th. This 150 seat contemporary chapel will host a ribbon cutting in the near future to celebrate their new designation. Thank you, Houston Mod, Preservation Houston, and everyone involved in preserving the noteworthy architecture of the Memorial Chapel. District K is blessed to house this treasure.
Fort Bend Houston Complete Community
Work to achieve the goals of Fort Bend Houston residents are well underway. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in creating the Fort Bend Houston of the future. Be sure to sign-up to receive the Complete Communities Newsletter and receive important updates about the planning for this area.
More info on Fort Bend Houston Complete Community
Complete Community Newsletter
District K Flag Football Teams Win First Place
Congratulations to Coach Nathan and the Townwood Park and Marian Park flag football team players on winning first place in the Greater Houston Police Activities League. District K students have safe spaces for recreation after school where they are learning the importance of teamwork, leadership, and service to the community.
Run-off Election Voter Registration Deadline
This December (run-off election), you can vote at any location in Harris County during Early Voting and on Election Day. Find a location near you at or text VOTE to 1-833-YES (937) -0700.
Dates to know
Last day to register to vote: November 14
Last day to apply for ballot by mail: December 3
Early Voting:
November 27 | 7am–7pm
December 2nd –7th | 7am–7pm
December 8 | 1pm–6pm
December 9 -10 | 7am-7pm
Election Day:
December 14 | 7am–7pm
What you’ll need to vote
Make sure you bring one of these accepted forms of identification:
• Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
• United States Passport (book or card)
• United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
• United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
• Texas Handgun License issued by DPS
• Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
• Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS
Don’t have an acceptable form of ID?
If a voter does not possess and cannot reasonably obtain a photo ID, they may still cast a regular ballot by presenting a supporting form of ID and executing a Reasonable Impediment Declaration, noting the voter’s reasonable impediment to obtaining an acceptable form of photo identification.
About the ballot
Find your specific sample ballot at The items on your ballot may vary depending on which area of the county you reside.
When you go vote, you can bring a marked sample ballot or a Voters Guide into the voting booth with you. If you have a disability or need translation support, please ask for assistance.
Fort Bend Houston Residents
The above dates are applicable to you as well. To date, the Fort Bend County Clerk has not updated the elections webpage. I have included the link below so that you may access all information related to what you need to vote and finding your polling location. Do not hesitate the contact the District K office if you need assistance 832.393.3016.
Voting in Fort Bend County