Brays Bayou Association Meeting
Monday June 17th, 7:30pm at Willow Meadows Baptist FELLOWSHIP HALL
4300 West Bellfort Houston, Texas 77035
SARAH DAVIS and SHAWN THIERRY, Texas State Representatives, will focus on the efforts made related to infrastructure and resiliency during the 86th Texas Legislative Session. We’re beyond honored to Representatives Davis and Thierry in person so soon after the months long marathon legislative session…me, I’d be on the first plane to my favorite island destination the minute that closing gavel came down, not these two. Come to say thanks and offer up any questions, suggestions or comments…because they’re already lining it up for the 87th session in 2021.
Gary Zika, Federal Projects Manager for the Harris County Flood Control District – Will once again deliver valuable HCFCD news and updates to the community. Project Brays team members Melissa Meyer and Rusty Lannin will also be available for any one on one or group discussions. We are excited to continue our decades long monthly community outreach relationship with HCFCD. Having the Project Brays/HCFCD Team at the BBA meetings has allowed the community to receive information, voice opinions, ask questions and hear answers as one! If you have questions or just want to keep up with the latest, you know once a month HCFCD will be at the BBA!
Also you can visit the BBA Group Facebook page.
See you on the 17th!