Brays Oaks Super Neighborhood Council #36

meets Tonight @6:30P at

10611 Fondren Rd @ Creekbend

Join us in the Fellowship Hall

September 2024 Agenda

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

HHD is proud to support National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) in August. Staying up to date with your vaccines can prevent severe illnesses. Adults, just like children, need vaccines to stay healthy. Check out these websites below to learn more about the Adult Safety Net Program and find Texas Vaccines for Children Program providers



At-Large Position 3

As a long-time Houstonian, Twila Carter has a track record of service in our community. She is now ready to bring her record of success to City Hall as your At-Large Position 3 Council Member.

For over a decade, Twila served as Senior Vice President of Community Relations of the Houston Astros and Executive Director of the Astros Foundation. During her tenure, the charitable foundation raised over $60 million for charities that focus on improving the quality of life in our city.

Life was not always easy for Twila. Raised from humble beginnings, often dependent on welfare as a child, Twila has worked diligently to break the cycle of poverty in her family.

Twila knows the importance of investing in others and is dedicated to helping create opportunity for struggling families and at-risk women. Twila Carter has served as Vice Chair for the Texas Council on Family Violence and Family Time Crisis and Counseling Center. She also serves on the Advisory Board for the Houston Area Women’s Center and is a former Board Member of Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA).

Twila knows that safe communities are prosperous communities. She is committed to fully funding the Houston Police Department. Twila’s commitment to the men and women in uniform runs deep. She is the Board Chair for USO Houston and currently serves on The Houston Police Foundation. Twila’s commitment to law enforcement has earned her the endorsement of the Houston Police Officers’ Union because they know that she has their backs.

While it is difficult to believe with 100° temperatures outside… fall is around the corner and the Houston Clean City Commission is once again helping organizations throughout the Houston metropolitan area organize “Fall Sweep Cleanups”.

The 2024 “Fall Sweep Cleanup” campaign will occur September 11th and November 23rd.  

This past spring we promoted the citywide April Cleanup campaign and exceeded expectations with 32 community organizations joining in to keep our area clean.  For our “Fall Sweep Clean Up” campaign our goal is to have over 50 clean ups throughout the area and need your support to reach this goal! 

Similar to our Spring Cleanup campaign, we can help provide free cleanup supplies, volunteer recruitment, planning guides, marketing/media outreach, and other services/resources.  Through our partnerships with Keep Texas Beautiful, Houston Community ToolBank, Houston Solid Waste, and Texas Department of Transportation cleanup coordinators can receive: 

  • Supplies to include bags, gloves, sanitizer, bug spray, safety vests, sunscreen, litter grabbers, brooms, yard tools, wheelbarrows, etc  (3 week advance notice is needed)
  • Dumpster or other special pick up service
  • Event planning information to include a toolkit, webinars, and communication templates
  • Opportunities to promote your event with news outlets, social media, and elected officials

If your neighborhood does not need cleaning up, let us know, we will gladly share areas of our city that could use your organization’s help!   And if you are not up for hosting your own event but you and your friends/organization want to join an existing one in your area, we can help there too!

To help get you the resources and information needed to get started, contact the Houston Clean City Commission Event’s Chair at