They say learning should be lifelong. And it’s also true that seniors may have more time on their hands to take an interest in learning something new.

Houston Community College (HCC) is doing a great service in offering courses for those aged 60 and above in their Community Learning Program. There is something for everyone in a variety of topics, online or at in-person classes at the Brays Oaks campus at 8855 W. Bellfort, Suite 204.

Most seniors are long past their official educational pursuits, and these courses do not offer college credit or degree offerings. Instead, the courses or workshops began as the result of requests and suggestions, and from partnerships with other entities.

Latrice H. Rideout, Ph.D, is program director of the Community Learning Program throughout all campuses of HCC.

She explained that most of these workshops are free of charge, but the ones requiring a longer commitment by an instructor have a small fee attached.

Recently, HCC held a free breakfast for seniors at the Brays Oaks campus to let them know about these learning opportunities.

The classes and workshops fall under the categories of Personal Development & Enrichment, Health and Wellness, Computer Skills & Digital Learning, Career and Job Skills, Language, Recreation, and Consumer Awareness.

In the recreation category, dance classes are an always popular option and usually charge a fee. A well-attended offering is their Line Dance course.

Technology may be a challenge for the older population, so there is various coursework on computer literacy and, by request, any other technology topic. Another important program offered is a Consumer Awareness workshop that educates consumers about online scams and other things to avoid while using the Internet.

In the language department, they always offer their popular course in the Spanish language. The course lasts six weeks. Also offered is a CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) class, with a small fee, under Health and Wellness.

Other classes include one in disaster literacy so that seniors can be prepared for any kind of disaster.

One of HCC’s partners, the Senior Medicare Patrol run by AARP, offers workshops targeted at seniors.

Upcoming is a program in entrepreneurship with AARP as a partner that seeks to give seniors on limited incomes additional pathways to earnings. The two-hour workshop, called “Work for Yourself at 50+,” shows how hobbies or “passions” can be turned into moneymaking businesses.

The next two classes, taught by Joyce Boatright, Ed.D., take place on the Brays Oaks campus on Sept. 22 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and another at the HCC Alief Hayes Campus on September 30. Registration can be made at

More overall information about HCC’s class offerings can be found at

— By Arlene Nisson Lassin