After a three year hiatus due to the COVID pandemic, the Westbury Community Garden Annual Tomato Tasting is back! We will resume scheduling this annual event on the Saturday after Memorial Day weekend, as in the past.
To participate, purchase a Tasting Scorecard at the event for $15. There will be over 30 varieties of tomatoes divided into the Cherry, Saladette, Plum/Paste, and Slicer categories. Participants can score each numbered tomato with several criteria. At the end, the names will be revealed and show-of-hand votes will be tallied for the favorites in the four categories.
Most tomatoes submitted for this event were grown from seed by WCG gardeners and were nurtured by many garden members. They were selected for their tried and true productivity and taste from our years of tomato growing experience. Come and taste which varieties you’ll want to grow next year!
The event also features fish bowl drawings for some great prizes. Be sure to bring extra cash to purchase tickets for $1 each or 12 for $10. The winner for each prize will be selected lottery-style from the tickets submitted for that item.

For the June 3, 2023, event, participants will be able to taste and compare these tomatoes:
Cherries (16)
Black Cherry
Sun Sugar
Sweet Million
Supersweet 100
Sweet Chelsea
Orange Zinger
Golden Gem
Brandy Sweet Plum
Husky Cherry Red
Large Red Cherry
Yellow Pear
Chadwick Cherry
Plum/Paste (5)
Amish Gold
Amish Red
Russian Purple
Saladette (7)
Mountain Magic
Bloody Butcher
Jaune Flame
Slicers (14)
Japanese Black Trifele
Big Beef
Russian Persimmon
Rose De Berne
JD Special C-Tex
Cherokee Purple
Early Girl
Big Boy
Better Boy
Brandywine Pink