Ann Lee “Naturescape” Dedication
Willow Waterhole Greenway, 5300 Dryad
July 16, Saturday, 1030a

Ann Lee was a founding member of the Brays Bayou Association and was its first president. The BBA was established in 1984 by a group of residents from Southwest Houston (Ann is a Maplewood S/N resident) with a goal of reducing flooding in the Brays Bayou Watershed. Their efforts led to the $500 million Project Brays funded by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers that has resulted in many improvements completed by the Harris County Flood Control District over twenty-five years. The $75 million Willow Waterhole Stormwater Detention Facility was among the improvements. Project Brays will be completed in 2022 with the completion of several new bridges over the Bayou. Thirty-eight years after the BBA was founded, it is time that we honor Ann Lee.