Vice Mayor Pro Tem Castex-Tatum Leads the Charge for Exterior Security Cameras and Lighting Ordinance to Increase Public Safety

Residents have been consistently asking for help with the convenience stores throughout our community. Unfortunately many of these convenience stores allow people to loiter outside on their property. These spaces have become havens for illegal activity and unsafe environments. After reviewing our current convenience store ordinance and comparing our ordinance to other cities I realized that our ordinance did not require outside cameras but did require cameras on the inside. After speaking with Mayor Turner, stakeholders and HPD it became an important push to get these convenience stores to be good neighbors and safer environments throughout Houston.
During Council Session, April 20, 2022, I joined my Houston City Council colleagues in a 15-1 vote approving the ordinance amending Chapter 28 of the Code of Ordinances requiring security cameras to be installed outside certain businesses.
Five types of businesses are required to install security cameras that face parking lots – they include bars, nightclubs, convenience stores, game rooms, and sexually oriented businesses.
Businesses will have 90 days to install the cameras, which must store footage for 30 days and be visually clear. The Houston Police Department is working on a guide handbook with more details about the requirements.
“Today, we are letting people know, if you are loitering outside of convenience stores, sexually oriented businesses, bars, and committing crimes, we will see you on camera. And if you are committing those crimes, we will make sure that you will pay the penalty for causing a nuisance in the City of Houston,” said Vice Mayor Pro Tem Martha Castex-Tatum.
Mayor Sylvester Turner reminded the public that the passage of the ordinance is an ongoing effort as part of the city’s One Safe Houston plan.
For more info view article: Community Impact Article
View the Council Agenda item #43 here: Council Agenda Item 43
View the Press Conference: April 20, 2022 Mayor’s Press Conference
Safety throughout our community will continue to be our priority and I am committed to doing all that I can to try to keep our residents safe. If you have any suggestions or want to discuss or report nuisance businesses please reach out to us at [email protected].

With a Unanimous Vote, City Employees Will Receive Prenatal, Parental, and
Infant Wellness Leave!

On April 13, 2022, City Council passed an ordinance regarding Paid Leaves for Prenatal, Parental and Infant Wellness, which goes into effect May 14, 2022.  The ordinance provides eligible City employees with (1) paid prenatal leave for prenatal wellness healthcare appointments and other absences related to the pregnancy; (2) paid parental leave to bond and care for a child after the birth or placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care to be used within the first year after childbirth or placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care; and (3) infant wellness leave following the birth of a child or placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care to be used during the infant’s first year after birth.
Employees can send an email to [email protected] if they have questions about the policy. I wholeheartedly believe if we take care of our city employees, they will in turn, work alongside us to take care of Houstonians. The historic vote was unanimous and celebrated by so many parents and parents to be.
View the Council Agenda item #17 here: Houston City Council Agenda April 13, 2022
View the Press Conference below: 
Mayor Turner Signs Ordinance On New City of Houston Parental Leave Policy
The six-month report submitted by the Houston Women’s Commission is available online.
The Prenatal, Parental, and Infant Wellness (PPI) Leave proposed ordinance was presented at the Special Called Quality of Life Committee meeting April 7, 2022.

Simon Minchen Park Improvements Coming Soon Through the 50/50 Park Partners Initiative!

Vice Mayor Pro Tem joined Houston City Council members in approving the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the City of Houston and Houston Parks Board LGC, Inc for improvements on 11 neighborhood parks under Mayor Turner’s 50/50 Park Partners Initiative Project.
View City Council Agenda item #28: Houston City Council Agenda April 13, 2022
Simon Minchen Park is one of the 11 parks that will receive: site lighting, an added new playground, improved baseball field, creation of a multi-purpose athletic field, and added walking loop/trail, a front entrance created, parking lot makeover, updated basketball court, and added site detention. These are welcomed improvements to a space that needs a new identity and hopefully will become a safe, fun place for children and their families to make lasting memories.
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