HCC Mattress Mack School of Selling© -Virtual Series-6 free sessions-TU&TH, 10a-12p Mar. 1, 3, 8, 10, 22, 24–Topics: Listening, Persistence, Ability to Say No, Building a Book of Business, Caring Customer Service, What You Learn After You Know it All-http://tiny.cc/HCCMMSSvirtual 

The Virtual Series is popular with proposed, startup and existing entrepreneurs, their employees, students, persons pursuing a career in sales and others who simply want to increase their overall skills in selling their ideas!.  


HCC Mattress Mack School of Selling© – Onsite Cohort @ Gallery Furniture 6006 N Frwy – For those pursuing a career in sales-Orientation & Six Wednesday Sessions, 5p-8p, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27,  May 4 & 11, Application Deadline 3/22. http://tiny.cc/HCCMMSSonsite  

The Onsite Series is designed for persons pursuing a career in sales.  Some sales job opportunities could be made available to some graduates of this application-based program. A limited number of seats will be offered to proposed, startup and existing entrepreneurs.