ZOOM access will still be an option…see link below
Wednesday July 14th, 7:30pm
4300 West Bellfort 77025
Willow Meadows Baptist – FELLOWSHIP HALL
FLOOD TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONES (FTIRZ)…OK, I made that term up to help explain where I am going with this. It’s time we should do for ourselves what the city, county, state and feds are falling far behind on. If the “zones” like Uptown Houston (Galleria), Memorial City, Upper Kirby, Midtown can live off budgets totaling more than a billion dollars to install shiny stainless steel gateway arches, intersection halos, dedicated bus corridors (which some consider a very questionable expense), land bridges and tunnels that are outside zone boundaries, glitzy holiday decorations and accompanying pyrotechnics displays, etc., then “zones” that are burdened with the too often threat of flooding, should be able to establish similar zones to offset the additional NEEDED infrastructure to not only remain viable, but to raise the overall potential level. Revenue generated from the established “FTIRZs” would obviously be directed to flood risk reduction and related improvements. As an example, if you are replacing 60 plus year old streets to create improved drainage and increased storm water capacity, then you’re also going to replace sidewalks, aging and failing water lines, street lights, improve intersections, plant trees, etc. At the meeting we will delve deeper into the details, talk about criteria to establish, anticipated possible revenue, how to identify projects, etc. and of course interaction with the group.
We CAN do this!…and now is the time since it appears CIP and other monies for improvements within the Brays Bayou Watershed have slowed to a trickle compared to what our enormous number of real property units and huge tax base should be afforded. For the few pockets that have received capital improvements congratulations, but the vast majority of us are still in need and help doesn’t appear to be on the ten year horizon. We have a tax base that is making a nice recovery since Harvey, but could explode if we just execute a little “house cleaning” Time for us to take care of ourselves and dictate our own destiny!
HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT FEDERAL PROJECTS MANAGER, GARY ZIKA, will be sharing an expanded presentation complete with new power point, not just an update. Also, Project Brays team members Melissa Meyers, Rusty Lannin, along with Gary, will be in attendance, in person, to answer any questions you might want to ask before, during and or after the meeting…feels good to say that again!
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial by your location 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 836 8321 4149
Passcode: 133628
One tap mobile +13462487799,,83683214149#,,,,
And as always please feel free to comment, question or make suggestions at the meeting, responding to this email or on our BBA Open Group Facebook page (see link below).
See you on the 14th!
Charles Goforth
Brays Bayou Association, President