Yesterday we launched, which is the city’s first community-led online platform that enables residents to report lower level quality of life crimes and violations that will be handled by the HPD District J Patrol.

The site will be monitored and maintained by the District J Patrol Task Team, represented by residents who represent each area of our district. The online platform allows residents to easily and efficiently report lower level quality of life crimes and violations that plague our community such as junk motor vehicles, illegal dumping, property code violations, and other public nuisances.

The Task Team will be working collaboratively with the District J Patrol, comprised of specially trained officers to promptly address the issues.

In order to have true community policing there must be a real partnership between law enforcement and the neighborhoods they serve. This platform gives residents direct access to the District J Patrol and will update results in a transparent fashion.

Thank you to the District J Patrol Task Team for all your efforts, and I am excited to represent an area that truly brings meaning to my tagline, #togetherwewill.

Council Member Edward Pollard