Monday January 20th, 7:30pm
4300 West Bellfort 77025
Willow Meadows Baptist – FELLOWSHIP HALL
BRIDGES! BRIDGES! BRIDGES! That’s about all HCFCD has left to complete the $460 milliom Project Brays… BUT, the flood risk reduction work within the Brays Bayou Watershed is and will continue outside the scope of PB… great news!
GARY ZIKA, Harris County Flood Control District Federal Projects Manager, will share with us a sneek peek Power Point presentation showing us the NEW designs (preliminary) for the bridges and intersections at Chimney Rock and S. Rice at North and South Braeswood! Also in the presentation we’ll get a better view and understanding of the three detention basins currently being excavated at 610/S. Braeswood and how they will not only help areas dowstream all the way to the ship channel, but possibly provide some upstream releif as well. BUT, that’s not it… additional detention is coming in along the Willow Waterhole Bayou at S. Post just north of S. Willow Drive, this along with updates to all the remaining bridge work to be completed will also be covered by Mr. Zika.
Districk K CM MARTHA CASTEX-TATUM and District C CM ABBIE KAMIN have been invited. We hope they can make, but we also understand that the 20th, MLK Day, is packed full of events for them. We’re eager to hear what they hope to accomplish in the next four years and, more importantly, share our thoughts on where we would like to see emphasis focused.
Project Brays team Members – Melissa Meyer and Rusty Lannin will also be in attendance and available for independant one on one or group discussions prior and post meeting!
This Chimney Rock and S. Rice bridge and intersection redesign has come about extremely quick and we are thankful that it appears to have now gone beyond the “exploration” stage. This will have a huge impact to not only improving bayou flow, but, as many of us feel, an equal or greater improvement to area mobility… CAN”T MISS THIS MEETING!!!
And as always please feel free to comment, question or make suggestions at the meeting or responding to this email or our BBA Open Group Facebook page (see link below).
See you on the 20th!
Charles Goforth
Brays Bayou Association, President