The City of Houston’s Draft Action Plan for Disaster Recovery 2015 Flood Events (Draft Plan) serves as an application for $66.5 million in federal funds associated with disasters declared on May 29, 2015 and on November 25, 2015. The Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD) is conducting a public meeting to solicit ongoing input and feedback on its Draft Plan. During this meeting, HCDD will continue the dialogue started during the public hearing held on Thursday, August 18, 2016, provide additional information on planning efforts, and conduct an interactive survey regarding unmet needs.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
6-8 p.m.
Houston Housing Authority Neighborhood Resource Center
815 Crosby Street, Houston, TX 77019
ADA Accessible. Limited free parking is available. For public transportation use METRO: 40, 41
For additional information about the meeting or to request special arrangements (interpreter, sign language, CART for the hearing impaired), contact Paula Jackson at [email protected] or 832.394.6181.
View the most recent Draft Plan at the following locations:
• Online at
• Main Public Library – 500 McKinney, Houston, TX 77002
• HCDD’s Office – 601 Sawyer, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77007 (copies may be obtained at this location upon request)
The public meeting will also be a forum to discuss fair housing and related issues. Residents with suggestions or concerns will be provided an opportunity to voice those issues during the meeting. For specific questions or concerns about fair housing or landlord/tenant relations, please contact Royce Sells at 832.394.6240.