
Each spring, PAIR holds its annual Youth Empowerment Fund Drive. The drive is our major fundraising activity of the year. It provides essential resources that make possible PAIR’s consistent, high quality programs for refugee youth and continued expansion to meet the unmet needs of the many young refugees who arrive in our community each year. I hope that you will be able to support the 2014 drive.

This year, we are holding a luncheon in conjunction with the drive, a first for PAIR. The luncheon gives us a unique opportunity to share our students’ successes with friends and supporters.

I am excited that two outstanding PAIR allies – Houston Rockets guard Jeremy Lin and Westbury High School principal Tim Wainright – will be present to share their perspective on young refugees and PAIR’s programs. We will honor them and two long-time PAIR supporters: Caring Friends, Inc. and the Mandy Kao Foundation.

I hope you will join us at the luncheon to celebrate our students and to pay tribute to four of their most important benefactors. Your presence will help make this a very special occasion. If you cannot attend, please consider a donation to the 2014 Youth Empowerment Fund. Every gift has an impact on the lives of the young refugees in our community!

With warm regards,

Nicole Tritter Ellis
Executive Director, PAIR