Council Member Larry Green, along with ABC Dental, is sponsoring a “Smiles on Wheels” bike giveaway event for needy children this holiday season.
ABC Dental has graciously donated a significate number off bikes for the “Smiles on Wheels” event. However, we are seeking volunteers to assist with assembling all the bikes. Council Member Green is calling all “Santa Helpers” to assist (i.e. civic leaders, fraternal organizations, scouting troops, church groups, school groups/organizations, social service organizations, etc.).
The bikes will be assembled at the Fountain of Life Center, 14905 South Main St. (77035). All volunteers are asked to stop-in between 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. between now and December 6.
For more information about how to participate as a volunteer or information about the “Smiles on Wheels” event, please contact Vivian Harris at 832-393-4203 or contact ABC Dental at 713-723-9200.
If you know of any children in NEED of a bike, please forward their contact information to Vivian Harris.
Help spread the word!