YES Prep Public Schools was named the winner of the $250,000 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools on June 21, 2012 at the National Charter Schools Conference in Minneapolis.
In evaluating publicly available student achievement data on 20 large established charter school systems across the country, a 14-member review board of national education experts found YES Prep Public Schools to have the best overall student academic performance.

YES Prep Public Schools staff pose with U.S. Deputy Education Secretary Tony Miller (second from left), The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation Senior Director Lydia Logan, YES Prep Public Schools Founder Chris Barbic and President Jason Bernal, National Alliance for Public Charter Schools Board Member Deborah McGriff and CEO Nina Rees after winning the inaugural Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools at the National Charter Schools Conference in Minneapolis on June 21, 2012.

Learn more about YES Prep Public Schools and the 2012 Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools:

2012 Winner Profile




The Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools honors the public charter management organization that has demonstrated the most outstanding overall student performance and improvement among the country’s largest urban charter management organizations in recent years while reducing achievement gaps for poor and minority students.

The Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools mirrors The Broad Prize for Urban Education that is awarded to traditional school districts and seeks to:


  • Recognize those charter models that show the best academic outcomes, particularly for traditionally disadvantaged students
  • Create an accessible repository of high-quality data on student achievement, policies and practices in the largest urban charter management organizations across the country
  • Showcase the best practices of successful public charter management organizations so that other public charter schools and traditional public schools can learn from their success